
The Camping Incident

Recently, my wife and I were chatting with one of our “couples friends”* about camping.  The ladies were all excited about the idea, to the point of looking up the cost of new tents, but soon realized the husband and I were trading skepitcal looks.

CobraMrsFit: “What?”

Me: “Nothing.”

CMF: “Oh no no no. That’s your Cold-Day-In-Hell look. What gives?”

Me: “Perhaps you aren’t remembering our last camping experience?”

CMF (after a slight pause): “Oh yeah. The Camping Incident.”

The Camping Incident reamains to this day the most colossal failure of weekending in The Great Outdoors and our last attempt at doing so. It had started out innocently enough with a plan to drive into the Shennendoah and spend a couple days hiking the local trails and the nights cooking over a campfire. So Cliff, Shannon**, CMF, and I picked a Friday, loaded up Cliff’s SUV, and sang off-key to Journey for several hours. By the time we arrived at the campsite, we were hungry for Mother Nature and some pancakes. We unloaded the car and began setting things up.

Then the rain came.

There are few things as annoying as trying to set-up a tent in the rain. Rabid, angry geckos, I suppose. But this was a cold rain and not the one-and-done type, but the  unleash-hell-ever-10 minutes type.

*Those in long-term relationships know what I’m talking about.

**Fake names to protect the awesome.


Tweets of the (last two) Week(s): 02 Dec 11

Sometimes life is busy. Between work, holidays, and alien abductions, I’ve been away from the blog-o-sphere, however, after near riotous demand from the unruly masses*, here is the latest installment of:


@AbielleRose: I don’t want to be known as a ‘writer.” I want to be known as a creator.

@hellioncat: Laughing at someone brave enough to try something they can’t do is your greatest act of cowardice.

@alan_tudyk: I walked my dog in the pre-sunrise early morning breeze today. The only sound was my breath and the owl song. Suddenly hungry for Hooters.

@TheNotebook: Don’t cry over the past, it’s gone. Don’t stress about the future, it hasn’t arrived. Live in the present and make it beautiful.

@ericjkrause: Hehe. Too true. RT @FARfetched58: You know spammers have ruined everything when a hot female avi becomes a reason NOT to follow someone.

@ItsAYYSIAN: Money can’t buy happiness, but it can buy bacon, and that’s pretty damn close.

@SoVeryAwkward: That awkward moment when someone asks if you’re on Team Edward or Team Jacob…and you say you’re on Team Potter.

@Broslife: I always have to remember when I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome.

@zachbraff: Team not Sleeping on the Sidewalk for a Ticket to a Movie that’s Gonna be Out for Months.

@JensBookshelf: A car just drove past slowly, with thumping gansta rap. Guys, it doesn’t work if you’re driving your Mum’s station wagon.

@PamGrier: We do not stop playing because we are old. We grow old because we stop playing. Xox.

@Chemistry_cat_: Holy shift, look at the asymptote on that mother function. #chemistrycat

@Inspire_Us: The difference in winning & losing is most often, not quitting. -Walt Disney

@MorganCline: Brushing my pet bunny & listening to Paul Simons “Graceland” album…so yeah, I’m exactly where I thought I’d be at 32.

@Flickimp: There are times when I wish I was at Bag-end watching the clouds drift by.

@Sam Sykes Swears: In writing, talent is used some of the time. Luck is used once or twice. Persistence is used for absolutely everything else.

@VoiceVote84: This year I’m thankful for a loving family, warm & generous friends, education, and just enough wisdom to be grateful. #thanksgiving

@lanniewright: ‘Times are bad. Childern no longer obey their parents and everyone is writing a book.” -Ceciro, circa 43 BC

@alyankovic: I swear some days it’s no longer worth strapping on your studded leather codpiece.

@Itisawomanthing: Being female is a matter of birth, being a woman is a matter of age, but being a lady is a matter of choice.

@_Snape_: Voldemort is like a teenage girl. He has a diary, a tiara, a favorite ring, a pet he adores, and an obsession with a famous teenage boy.

@JewelStaite: Things uttered in public places that warrant weird looks from strangers: “Man, I sure do love hot dogs.”

@KellyMeding: “I hate rice cakes. They taste like popcorn farts.” #Chopped #bestlinesever

@alan_tudyk: my ass is in widespread panic

@InspiringY0U: Finding each other is the beginning, staying together is the process. Working together is the success. #InspiringY0U

@joelmchale: Clean up on aisle Los Angeles. #wind

@AntonSesay: You Are Exactly Who You Think You Are, So Think Highly Of Yourself.

@DalekThay: You BETTER watch OUT. You BETTER not CRY. You BETTER not POUT. I am TELLING you WHY. YOU will be EX-TER-MIN-ATED. #DalekChristmas

@ColleeLindsay: BREAKING NEWS: Some people on the Internet are idiots. FILM AT ELEVEN!

@HillaryJacques: My boss’s mouth says “get towork” but her eyes say “eat chocolate and frolic”. Which to believe???


*and by that I mean complete and total silence from the Intertoobz.
**epic fading sound effect, in case you were wondering. Also, Note: All tweets are kinda’ as they appear in my feed to include RT credits (when able), trends, misspells, poor punctuation, lies, knick knacks, paddy whacks, and giving a dog a bone.
