Sick of snow and need a mental holiday? Then allow me to recommend some great reads from my authorly friends. Today’s recommendation is for one of my author interviewees, Abner Senires:

The Basics: Kat and Mouse are a team of “independent contractors” working in a futuristic world where guns and money talk. Kat is quick on the trigger while Mouse is all about her pointy toys. This is the first “season” of Abner’s online series, so the chapters are formatted as episodes with an over-arching story arc weaved within them.
Why you should read it: I said it on the Amazon review and I’ll say it again here: this is Cyberpunk at its best. The characters are engaging and the action fast. Think of it as John Woo stuffed between two slices of Michael Bay, all of which is wrapped in hand-grenade-flavored bacon. It’s an easy, enjoyable read that leaves you wanting to know more about the girls, their cohorts, and the insane world Abner has built. Lucky for you, follow-on seasons are available on his website:
KAT AND MOUSE: GUNS FOR HIRE is available at Amazon, B&N, and all other online book retailers.
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