That’s right, folks, the most popular topic on this site is once again rearing its horrific, nightmare inducing head. Without warning it appears and I, your man on the means streets of art, must share with you all.
A) I do not seek these things out. I don’t have enough hours in the day to hunt down Creepy Art. Nor do I want to spend my time doing it. That said, I DO take advantage of photographing it when I stumble upon it.
2) I am in no way judging the artists. Listen, I’m a writer. I know how hard it is to create something and then present it to a world full of critics. These people are courageous and have my utmost respect for what they do.
That said, some art (like some writing out there), is just freakin’ freaky. In that horrifyingly beautiful sort of way. Therefore, may I present the third installment of: